1 00:00:02,080 --> 00:00:08,292 We are starting our first year at the University of Virginia. Yeah! Coming up from Georgia yeah. 2 00:00:08,292 --> 00:00:16,160 Just getting moved in, first day on campus or Grounds. Long 15  hour drive to get here. Yes, for sure but 3 00:00:16,160 --> 00:00:20,080 happy that we're kind of getting settled. You  know, today is a really exciting day it's a   4 00:00:20,080 --> 00:00:25,120 whole new journey now. Yes, this is our last one.  We live in a tent just to pay for all this tuition.   5 00:00:26,800 --> 00:00:31,440 I'm a little nervous of course it's a whole new  environment for me but it's great I love UVA so   6 00:00:31,440 --> 00:00:35,120 I'm excited to move in and get my things ready.  Yeah I'm kind of nervous because I kind of had   7 00:00:35,120 --> 00:00:39,280 to quarantine for like two years of high school, so  I haven't really done in person in a while. 8 00:00:39,280 --> 00:00:44,160 I'm looking forward to meeting new people. Getting to  take classes I care about, that'll be good. Having   9 00:00:44,160 --> 00:00:48,400 my independence and like make me figure out like  more who I want to be and like what I want to do.   10 00:00:48,400 --> 00:00:53,200 Excited for football games I'm just excited for  class overall. Explore all of Charlottesville   11 00:00:53,200 --> 00:00:57,120 just ride around on my bike honestly that's what  I'm looking forward to the most. It's obviously   12 00:00:57,120 --> 00:01:01,040 exciting to have like a sense of freedom but  obviously I'm going to miss everyone so much.   13 00:01:01,040 --> 00:01:06,160 She wants me to call her every day, every day,  I'm fine with that. Once a week you know like   14 00:01:06,160 --> 00:01:11,360 maybe you set a time to check in. But it should be  more often than the times that you need to ask for   15 00:01:11,360 --> 00:01:19,200 money. Right! That's right! We haven't  set up rules but I have some in my head so 16 00:01:19,200 --> 00:01:23,920 twice a day at least. Maybe like the first couple  days then I feel like I'm going to get distracted.   17 00:01:25,040 --> 00:01:29,120 Like this is such an exciting time you're  going to make so many great friends, I already   18 00:01:29,120 --> 00:01:34,000 love your roommate, just enjoy yourself. Be  kind to yourself. It's easy to get caught up   19 00:01:34,000 --> 00:01:39,680 in expectations and what you're supposed to  do and how you're supposed to do it. Study hard   20 00:01:39,680 --> 00:01:45,920 but have a lot of fun. Sounds good. It's all  gonna be overwhelming the first two weeks but   21 00:01:45,920 --> 00:01:50,800 after that you know things will be starting to  feel like home. My wife and I, Kimberly Grantham,   22 00:01:50,800 --> 00:01:58,320 we are alum and we're just really proud to  have him join the ranks of the Wahoos and 23 00:01:58,320 --> 00:02:02,400 man it's just a great moment you know.  This will be the first time in 29 years that we   24 00:02:02,960 --> 00:02:07,120 won't have any of our children in the  house with us anymore. That's crazy. Yeah.   25 00:02:07,120 --> 00:02:11,440 It's outrageous. He was always at home when I  got home and he's always there to hang out and   26 00:02:13,040 --> 00:02:18,400 now he's not, now he's in Charlottesville, Virginia. That's outrageous, man. I'm officially   27 00:02:18,400 --> 00:02:23,840 an empty nester after today so it's going to be  an adjustment. I really don't want to talk too much   28 00:02:23,840 --> 00:02:29,360 about it because I'll probably start crying. Like  you said, it hasn't sunk in yet so we're just   29 00:02:29,360 --> 00:02:33,600 waiting for the storm to pass over. We're saving  the crying for the car drive home we'll have a   30 00:02:33,600 --> 00:02:38,800 good solid eight hours of crying ahead of us so,  we'll be okay. It's hard it's just hard to see   31 00:02:38,800 --> 00:02:46,720 her go. Love you. It's gonna be weird to have four  people at the table having dinner instead of five.   32 00:02:47,600 --> 00:02:55,760 She is clearly my very good friend so I will  miss her advice, oh now you're making me teary.  33 00:02:57,120 --> 00:03:01,360 I think just know that what you may feel  like you're losing, the University is gaining   34 00:03:01,360 --> 00:03:07,120 plus some. Try to keep being me as best I can,  meet new people, spread my impact, fulfill the   35 00:03:07,120 --> 00:03:12,638 legacy that you left coming here and that mom left and that I'm gonna continue to be a role model for my two 36 00:03:12,638 --> 00:03:17,840 younger siblings, Copeland and Jovi,  that may be coming through here in a few years. 37 00:03:18,105 --> 00:03:20,720 [MUSIC PLAYING]