Based on 2009 population estimates from the University of Virginia Weldon Cooper Center included in a recent report from Virginia Department of Legislative Services, Southside voting districts and other rural areas have decreased in population while metropolitan areas have grown.
The University of Virginia's endowment has recovered more than half of the $1.1 billion it lost because of the financial meltdown of fall 2008.
UVA Fourth-Year Saamia Noorali was born in Pakistan and spent much of her childhood there. She has created the Hoos for Pakistan Flood Relief group and hopes students will raise money to provide emergency care in Pakistan.
Daniel Willingham Psychology professor and author of "Why Don't Students Like School?"
At Virginia, Virginia Tech, Clemson, Wake Forest, Boston College and Duke, athletic department officials said they speak to their student-athletes before each season to warn them about using social media, but no official policy is in place and there are no immediate plans to initiate one.
Roger Chevalier Astronomy professor 'Lost years' end for backyard supernova Nature / Sept. 2 George Gilliam Assistant Director for Public Programs, Miller Center of Public Affairs George Gilliam Updates Coy on the Miller Center Charlottesville–Right Now / Aug. 31 Larry Sabato Director of the Center for Politics Top political analyst says GOP will capture House Sacramento Bee / Sept. 3 and Slump could cost Dems control of the House San Francisco Chronicle / Sept. 3 and Obama Unleashed: What will the president say to get Democrats excited for the coming campaign? Slate / Sept.
Jason Hickel Doctoral candidate and instructor, Department of Anthropology
... The new material tested at the NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR) is the first one ever found that exhibits properties of both of these regimes. A team of researchers from Osaka University, the University of Virginia, the Japanese Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Tohoku University and the NIST NCNR used neutron diffraction to explore the novel material, known only by its chemical formula of YLBLCO.
The companies were picked from a dozen finalists for the first Tayloe Murphy Resilience Awards presented by the Tayloe Murphy Center at the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business.
Heather Warren Associate professor of religious studies
Kids with Same-Sex Parents are All Right: A Conversation with Lisa Cholodenko Research conducted by the University of Virginia revealed that family type was not significantly associated with parent reports of child adjustment, including children’s behavior problems and gender role development.
Brad Wilcox Director of the National Marriage Project and sociologist
Larry Sabato Director of Center for Politics Where would Speaker Boehner cut spending?   Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog) / Sept. 2 and GOP will take over House, political guru Sabato predicts Miami Herald / Sept. 2 and New prediction in battle for the House CNN Political Ticker (blog) / Sept.
... Although the report's authors did not have information about population decreases at the county level, a 2009 University of Virginia study of the legislation's effect on Prince William showed a decline in the number of children enrolled in ESOL classes and in the number of uninsured mothers giving birth.
Technology firm BandyWorks LLC was among five companies honored last night in Charlottesville for hanging tough during difficult economic times. The companies received the Tayloe Murphy Resilience Award handed out by the University of Virginia's Darden School of Business.
Alzheimer's expert Steven DeKosky, dean of the University of Virginia School of Medicine, uses this metaphor: The active brain is like a piece of good wood ...
Phil Plait, a U.Va. alumnus, writes this blog, "Bad Astronomer," where he talks about this project: ... my friend Nicole, aka Noisy Astronomer. She's a young grad student studying radio astronomy at the University of Virginia (my alma mater!), and she's very gung ho about astronomy outreach.