The lower north plaza at the University of Virginia’s historic Rotunda is getting a new look.
The work is part of a series of small projects across Grounds that includes installing removable bollards, pavers and vehicular curbs and repaving the asphalt. At the lower plaza, Facilities Management construction crews will remove the existing planters as well as the curb and asphalt adjacent to University Avenue.
“The planters are being repurposed by the UVA ReUse store,” said Megan T. Buschi, project coordinator for Facilities Management. “Instead of planters, the project will increase the low wall parallel to University Avenue and create a mountable curb. The current curb is almost flush with the road, and this will create a more substantial demarcation between the pedestrian path and the roadway.”

Crews are creating a more substantial, “mountable” curb, which has a small dip on one face so that vehicles can drive over easily, to replace one almost flush with the road, creating more of a difference between the pedestrian path and the roadway. (Photo by Matt Riley, University Communications)
The existing brick walkway is showing signs of wear, which affects its overall comfort and compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, Buschi said.
“The new brick will improve the surface by reducing friction, making the path more comfortable and accessible for all users,” Buschi said. “The older brick will be excavated and placed on pallets to be repurposed by the UVA ReUse store. Some will also be saved for spot replacement.”
The planned work also includes adding removable bollards for emergency vehicle access. The work, which started recently, will extend to the end of the year.