April 30, 2007 -- Unusual levels of noise will resonate from the South Chiller Expansion Project, located behind Medical Research Building 4 on Crispell Drive, as heavy diesel-powered equipment will drill borings to install caissons. The boring, which will begin Monday, April 30, and continue through Friday, May 12, will be conducted from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., with a two-hour break every day.
Flag personnel along Crispell Drive will assist the movement of cement trucks and equipment in and out of the construction site. Pedestrians can use a newly created walkway along Crispell Drive. Pedestrians and motorists should exercise caution around the area.
Flag personnel along Crispell Drive will assist the movement of cement trucks and equipment in and out of the construction site. Pedestrians can use a newly created walkway along Crispell Drive. Pedestrians and motorists should exercise caution around the area.
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April 30, 2007