[♪ Music Playing ♪]
I think what drew me to music the most was the fact that it's a break from academics. it's definitely a great way to put aside all of the chaos in my mind surrounding applications and homework and exams and focus on something that I can control and something that I can work on.
[♪ Music Playing ♪]
My first year, one of the first things I did when I got here was audition for the Charlottesville Symphony. it's a hybrid faculty, student, community member orchestra which is one of the only ones in the country. It's a great orchestral experience, but it's also so much more. it's this great academic experience but also a great social experience and I truly met the friends who became my family that first year and I've stuck with them ever since.
Leading up to a performance, I think a lot about how the rehearsals have gone and I have to remember to do this, I have to remember all of these details. Those can be a little bit daunting, but just breathing through it and reminding yourself that you've put the work in I think is definitely freeing.