Morven kitchen garden is a one-acre living laboratory in sustainable market farming at UVA.
I took Politics of Food in J Term with Professor Friedman and I really became interested in where my food comes from.
This farm really caught my attention because it is organic, sustainable, local agriculture, the type of system that I wish everyone could become a part of. We carry out experiments, we grow organic produce and once a week we deliver bags of produce to subscribers to our community supported agriculture program.
It's very interesting to see the excitement around local sustainable farms and all of the CSA shareholders excited to get food from students.
Gazpacho in the Garden is our annual fundraiser and we invite people from the community to come and celebrate the end of the summer season.
They're seeing where their food is coming from and the best part is that they actually get to eat it here, right here in the garden with the people that are growing it.
It doesn't get any more local than that!