Thursday marks five years since the beginning of the notorious “Unite the Right” events of August 2017, a divisive and deadly two days that saw community members stand up against white nationalists on Grounds and in downtown Charlottesville.
To honor those who lost their lives, as well as those whose lives were affected in other ways by their experiences on those days and after, and to show appreciation for the resilience of the community during and after Aug. 11 and 12, the University on Thursday will observe a moment of silence and ring the University Chapel bells for an extended period.
At noon, the chapel bells will ring as usual to signal the hour. Members of the University and local community are invited to participate next in a moment of silence, which will be followed by an additional two-minute period during which the bells will toll.
Find more information at UVA Today about other events and commemorations.
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January 7, 2025