Noted Art Historian and Phillips Collection Curator Elizabeth Turner Joins University of Virginia Faculty

Elizabeth Turner  headshot

lizabeth Turner (click for high-res)

Sept. 5, 2007 — Elizabeth Hutton Turner, senior curator at The Phillips Collection in Washington, D.C., will join the faculty of the University of Virginia McIntire Department of Art in September. Turner, an American art expert, has created groundbreaking Phillips Collection exhibitions and scholarly publications in a career that spans almost two decades at that institution. Her work has brought new perspectives on a wide range of the 20th century's great artists, who bridge the relationship between America and Europe during the modernist period.

"Beth's appointment complements and strengthens the already strong faculty at Virginia teaching American art and architecture," said Lawrence D. Goedde, chairman of the McIntire Department of Art. "Her ability to teach courses with a museum-related focus will add a valuable dimension to the art history program."

During her 18-year tenure at The Phillips Collection she directed exhibits and wrote extensively on Pierre Bonnard, Alexander Calder, Stuart Davis, Arthur Dove, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Jacob Lawrence, Juan Miró, Piet Mondrian, Man Ray and Alfred Stieglitz.

Turner looks forward to retaining a relationship with the Phillips Collection through continued work on exhibitions. At her departure she was completing plans for a number of exhibits including, "O'Keeffe and Abstraction," which is scheduled for fall 2009, and "Transatlantic Dialogues in Modern Art: Vision in Motion," planned for a future date.

"Her expertise and many connections in the scholarly and museum worlds will be invaluable to our students who have ambitions in those arenas as well as in recruiting graduate students," Goedde added.

Turner is returning to the town where she was born and is no stranger to the University. She earned her bachelor's, master's and doctorate degrees in art history at U.Va.

The vision of the founders of both The Phillips Collection and the University of Virginia was forward looking and embraced change, Turner said. "I feel privileged to be part of such quality institutions and look forward to meeting new challenges and collaborations at U.Va."

Turner will hold the position of University Professor and report directly to President John T. Casteen III. A University Professor is encouraged to teach and conduct research across school boundaries. Turner plans to teach a course on Alexander Calder in spring 2008.

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