From the Recording Booth to the Classroom: Finding an Outlet Through Song

February 1, 2024 By Alice Berry, Alice Berry,

When Claire Frazier Bolton is stressed, she turns to her iPhone Notes app. Scattered among the grocery lists and reminders are her feelings about her friends, family and relationships. 

From the comfort of her bedroom, the fourth-year University of Virginia student loops beats on her computer keyboard. Once she has the instrumental, she records herself singing into a microphone connected to her laptop. She loses track of time as she writes and records music, but eventually, she uploads the tracks to Spotify, Apple Music and other streaming platforms where her songs have been listened to thousands of times.

Bolton wrote her first song when she was 8 years old – she says her early attempts at songwriting were “really bad” – and sang in musicals until she started high school. She had to drop theater as she became a more serious runner on her school’s track team, but music always offered some relief from school and sports.

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“I use songwriting as an outlet,” Bolton said.

The covers and original songs Bolton posted to Instagram in high school drew the attention of a manager and a producer, who reached out via Instagram DM. Before long, Bolton was in meetings with record label scouts. As a high school student, she recorded songs in a professional studio, unbeknownst to many of her friends.

But just as her musical career was taking off, the pandemic hit and Bolton was starting her first year at UVA as a student-athlete, running on the track team. As she focused on running and her studies, her musical career slowed, and Bolton split with her manager. It was discouraging, but her parents helped her realize she didn’t have to stop making music.

“I took down all my music that I had put out in high school and the beginning of college, and I started from ground zero during my second year here,” Bolton said.

Being on a Division I track team, keeping up with a rigorous courseload and making music wasn’t easy for Bolton to balance. For most of her college career, music has been a way for Bolton to balance the stress of being a student-athlete. 

Sometimes, her music and academics overlapped, like when she took an independent study in hip hop professor A.D. Carson’s rap lab, which houses a “mini-recording booth.” But even without access to professional-grade equipment and tools, she can still hash out her musical ideas in her Notes app.

Bolton described her current sound as “raw,” in contrast to the more heavily produced music she made as a high schooler, but the subject matter is still the same.

Bolton sitting outside on Grounds

Bolton plans to continue working in music after she graduates in May – by supporting musicians instead of being one. (Photo by Matt Riley, University Communications)

“It really hasn’t changed. It’s all about the ebbs and flows and trying to figure out how to grow up,” Bolton said.

Bolton said she doesn’t concern herself with branding the way she did when she had a talent team behind her, but she’s learned a lot about how the music industry works.

“I don't think people realize how much work she puts in behind the scenes,” said Vann Stewart, a friend of Bolton’s. The two met because they were both from Alabama, but they bonded over music: Stewart is a musician, too.

“She's a really great vocal talent, but she also knows a lot about music, which takes a good bit of studying. She knows how to produce for herself, she knows her way around the studio,” Stewart said.

Unlike when she was started out, Bolton doesn’t hide her music from friends. Cameron Boom, who met Bolton during their second year of college, said she loves watching as Bolton’s ideas turn into full-fledged songs.

“She shows us her songs and asks for feedback. I always really like her music,” Boom said.

When she graduates from UVA in May with a degree in cognitive science, Bolton plans to continue with music – just behind the scenes this time.

“I’d love to help develop and grow artists, find them when they’re really small and help them become big if that’s something they want,” Bolton said.

Media Contact

Alice Berry

University News Associate Office of University Communications