A student-produced documentary focusing on how to navigate contrasting political views has been nominated for an Emmy Award.
“Common Grounds?,” the latest documentary produced by the University of Virginia Center for Politics, was nominated in the category for Best Cultural/Topical documentary by the Capital Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. The film features several students from the center’s 2021 intern class and other UVA students of contrasting political views working together to achieve a shared goal.
“The Center for Politics is thrilled that this film, ‘Common Grounds?,’ has been nominated for an Emmy and is receiving so many other awards and acknowledgements,” said Larry J. Sabato, the center’s director. “Despite all the negative news about politics and politicians today, the students featured in the documentary demonstrate that there is genuine concern and a willingness among people of good will to find ways of working together despite political disagreements. They give us hope for the future, and their example is a good roadmap for getting there.”
Finding Common Ground
Video:Finding Common Ground
Finding Common Ground
The film has also received other accolades, including:
- Best Short Film at the Political Feedback Festival, a film festival showcasing political films from around the world.
- Official selection of the spring 2022 Oregon Documentary Film Festival, where it was a finalist for Best Documentary Film and Best Cinematography.
- Finalist Documentary Short at the February 2022 Emerging Artists Film Festival.
- An Award of Merit in the March 2022 Best Shorts Competition.
“Common Grounds?” is a project of the UVA Center for Politics, where five UVA Center for Politics interns assembled student leaders from a wide spectrum of political ideologies to see if they would be willing to talk about those beliefs to understand each other better and to determine whether they might achieve a shared objective.
The students discuss sensitive and politically charged topics while also finding a way to work together. The film was produced and edited by Sabato and staff of the UVA Center for Politics, and directed by former interns Raed Gilliam and Molly Hayes. It is available on the Center for Politics’ YouTube channel, UVACFP, and at this direct link.
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September 12, 2024