Tip of the Month: Look Out for That Twister

The Safety Tip of the Month is provided by U.Va.'s Office of Emergency Preparedness on the 11th of every month.

March 11, 2012 — Recently a large tornado outbreak hit the eastern section of the U.S. Would you be prepared if one hit where you were?

Know the Signs

Tornados may hit without notice, so familiarize yourself with the hazard lingo. A tornado watch means tornados are possible, stay tuned to weather updates. A tornado warning means a tornado has been sighted; take shelter immediately.

Also be alert to danger signs of approaching storms.

Know What To Do

The first priority is to find a safe sturdy place.

• Go to either a basement or small windowless room (like a closet) on the lowest part of the building. Face an interior wall and crouch low.
• If you are anywhere outside, find shelter immediately in the nearest strong building.
• If you do not have the time, stay low against a strong wall or lie down flat in a ditch.
• Always protect your head by covering it with your arms.

Be Ready

Have an emergency kit ready and see why it is important to be prepared here.

March 20 is Tornado Preparedness Day in Virginia, and the University of Virginia community will be participating, exercising its notification systems. If you have not signed up for U.Va. Alerts click here to sign up today.

Hoos Ready will hold a "Workshop on Tornados" on March 20 at 6 p.m. in Maury Hall, room 209, with knowledgeable speakers and refreshments.

For information, contact the Office of Emergency Preparedness at 434-982-0565 or uvaoep@virginia.edu.

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