April 18, 2007 -- The Virginia Film Society continues its spring series with the screening of "Bad Girls," a documentary portrait by David Williams, Richmond's most acclaimed independent filmmaker ("Thirteen," "Lillian"), of Richmond artist Keithley Pierce. The film, to be shown on Tuesday, May 1, 7 p.m. at Vinegar Hill Theatre, shows Pierce at work in her studio and discussing the personal sources of her art. It also shows her building a surprisingly successful company, Bad Girl Art, with fellow artist Georgia Terry. The company's rude, funny, feminist products (magnets, bookmarks, flasks, pill boxes and more) have become popular items at boutiques, galleries and gift shops around the world.
Williams and Pierce will be on hand for a question and answer session after the screening.
In conjunction with the Film Society screening, the University of Virginia Art Museum will exhibit Bad Girls: Videos" by Artists Miranda July, Sadie Benning and others in the museum's new media gallery. The videos will be on view from Tuesday, May 8 through Tuesday, June 5, Tuesday through Sunday, 1 to 5 p.m.
Williams and Pierce will be on hand for a question and answer session after the screening.
In conjunction with the Film Society screening, the University of Virginia Art Museum will exhibit Bad Girls: Videos" by Artists Miranda July, Sadie Benning and others in the museum's new media gallery. The videos will be on view from Tuesday, May 8 through Tuesday, June 5, Tuesday through Sunday, 1 to 5 p.m.
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April 18, 2007