Dean Mosher’s canvas just got a whole lot bigger. The Fairhope artist is accustomed to “working large,” and come November he will have a venue worthy of the scale of his artwork. Thanks to Nance Fleming and Jim Wilmoth of Patina Gallery, Mosher’s oil-on-canvas painting “The Battle of Flamborough Head” has been purchased for $100,000 by billionaire philanthropist Paul Tudor Jones II, founder of Tudor Investment Corp., who donated it to the University of Virginia. The 8-by-10½-foot painting of the 1779 sea battle will be installed at the university&rsqu...
Henry County Schools’ national award-winning Project Parallax is beginning its second year. The project, a collaboration between faculty at the University of Virginia and the school system, aims to identify and develop talent in elementary students in the areas of science, technology, engineering and math. Teachers undergo training at U.Va. to develop instruction that covers not only what’s required for state Standards of Learning, but also incorporates more critical and creative thinking and problem-solving, said Catherine Brighton. Brighton is co-principal investigator for Projec...
With black fabric veiling the columns of the University of Virginia rotunda, students, staff and faculty gathered Friday to reflect on campus violence and discuss ways to prevent it, nearly five months after the killing of women's lacrosse player Yeardley Love. The "Day of Dialogue" was not meant to provide definitive answers, according to U-Va. President Teresa Sullivan. Rather, she said, it was a way to develop questions that would keep safety issues that can negatively affect a campus at the forefront of conversation.
Somdev Devvarman Former NCAA tennis champion, will represent India in Commonwealth Games Will Somdev Devvarman be lord? Times of India / Sept. 24
On Wednesday, Virginia athletic director Craig Littlepage sent an e-mail to a group of UVa students, admonishing them for their behavior. According to the e-mail, a copy of which was obtained by The Daily Progress, the students used vulgar language, which included negative references to members of the Wake Forest team.
Larry J. Sabato Politics professor and director of U.Va.'s Center for Politics GOP pledge has its limitations McClatchy Newspapers / Sept. 24 and Will Obama’s youth movement return for crucial midterm vote? France24 / Sept. 23
Referencing studies compiled by the University of Virginia Center for Politics, Votaw said that the name at the top of a ballot is 3-5 percent more likely to win than candidates lower on the ballot. Votaw said the current system is unfair, especially when voters are unfamiliar with the candidates.
After developing a plan to raise Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) test scores, including becoming involved with the University of Virginia Turnaround Program, South Elementary School became one step closing to getting out of school improvement by meeting Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for 2009-2010.
Researchers at the University of Virginia say our brains do not age nearly as fast as previously thought. UVA Psychologist Timothy Salthouse says past studies measuring cognitive decline are flawed, exaggerating the actual rate of mental decline. His team took a new approach looking at 1,600 people, of all ages, using different tests.
Nearly five months after women's lacrosse player Yeardley Love of Cockeysville was killed in her off-campus apartment, the University of Virginia will hold an all-day event that will honor her memory and introduce initiatives in order to prevent another such tragedy from occurring. The idea for the school's "Day of Dialogue" came from the university's new president, Teresa A. Sullivan, who was the provost at the University of Michigan at the time of Love's death, on May 3. Sullivan proposed the event shortly after assuming her position at Virginia on Aug. 1.
Sarah Drew Drama grad who will become a regular on "Grey's Anatomy" this season Sarah Drew: A Back Stage Exclusive Back Stage / Sept. 23 Natalie Martos Recent graduate who will speak about her U.Va. experiences at the Que Pasa Festival at Richmond's Science Museum of Virginia and help launch the Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce's Passport to Education Forum Que Pasa Festival doubles as educational opportunity Richmond Times-Dispatch / Sept. 23 Ralph Sampson Former basketball star Former NBA Player Hoping to Stop Violence Near Kelley Street WHSV-ABC-3 (Harrisonburg) / Spet. 22...
Dr. Carolyn Englehard Assistant professor and health policy analyst Charlottesville Free Clinic Holds Forum WVIR-NBC-29 / Sept. 22 Douglas Laycock Professor of law and religion Some Chaplains Plead, Don't Repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell Christianity Today / Sept. 22 Larry J. Sabato Politics professor and director of U.Va.'s Center for Politics The President of the United States, in Mrs Brayshaw's Backyard Fox News / Sept. 22 and Commentary: Political Madness, or Maybe Not Huffington Post / Sept. 22 and Why Democrats are pushing a series of bills doomed to fail Christian Science Monitor / Sept. ...
Leaders of the nation's research universities embarked on a yearlong campaign for greater federal financial support on Wednesday with a recognition that their effort could easily fall victim to the hostile political environment in Washington.
Volunteers with the grass-roots advocacy group Virginia Organizing will hold events on college campuses today to make sure students know that a key provision of the federal health-care reform going into effect may benefit them. … Volunteers will give out information on the health-care reform law at the College of William and Mary, the University of Richmond, the University of Virginia, the University of Mary Washington and Tidewater Community College campuses in Norfolk and Virginia Beach, Blust said.
If college students were given the chance to design and teach their own classes, what would they pick to study? Judging by this semester’s student-initiated courses program at UVA, the bulk of their curriculum might be TV shows.
The story quotes Tesha Westbrook, an office manager in the Office for the Vice President for Research, who led a volunteer team at Cale Elementary School.
Researchers at the University of Virginia are getting a $2 million grant to develop "smart building" energy systems for residential and commercial buildings. The four-year National Science Foundation grant was announced by the Charlottesville school Thursday.