The Dominion Foundation, the charitable arm of Dominion Virginia Power The University of Virginia’s McIntire School of Business was among 16 colleges and universities awarded funds to support programs in business, engineering, conservation, environmental and technical studies. McIntire was awarded $40,000 for “Making Business Work,” a lecture-style class that provides an important foundation for understanding the basics of business and is designed for students without previous business courses. Students learn basic theory and skills in the areas of finance, accounting and mar...
According to a recent paper by the University of British Columbia's Elizabeth Dunn, Harvard University's Daniel Gilbert, and the University of Virginia's Timothy Wilson, the happiness you get from small and large purchases alike eventually fades. So go for frequent cheap thrills, not the rare budget breaker.
To find out whether kids are trusting in general or whether there is something special about verbal information, University of Virginia developmental psychologist Vikram Jaswal set up two experiments.
The technology innovations of the last 15 years have wreaked havoc on the media industry -- turning upside down the way we gather, distribute and consume information and entertainment. But from where I sit -- as CEO of Canoe Ventures, the company that is helping to lead the interactive transformation of cable television -- we're only just beginning to understand the implications of the digital media transformation sweeping across our nation.
... Katharine Maus, James Branch Cabell Professor of Renaissance Literature at the University of Virginia, will present "The Properties of Friendship in The Merchant of Venice."
... a local doctor's drug discovery -- combined with the an entrepreneurial strategy by an up-and-coming office affiliated with the University of Virginia -- may change the outlook for patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. ... The UVA Patent Foundation, headquartered in the Lewis & Clark Building downtown, is among the most highly ranked university affiliated patent foundations in the country for its success commercializing faculty research.
The commonwealth of Virginia was first among states in average retention rate of first-year students -- 86 percent -- while spending less than 15 other states on state-funded grants. First of the first was the University of Virginia, where 97 percent of new students returned for their second year. ... It's not as easy as the University of Virginia makes it look. UVa's ranking as No. 1 in the state is due to more than the genius of admissions staff.
Jefferson's anticlericalism is reflected in his University of Virginia having no school of theology and not even a chapel.
The space agency says Leland Melvin has been selected as NASA's new associate administrator for education. Melvin joined NASA in 1989 as an aerospace research engineer at Langley Research Center in Hampton. Melvin received degrees from the University of Richmond and the University of Virginia.
Ann Beattie Edgar Allan Poe Professor of Creative Writing Novelist revisits classic Beattie turf Calgary Herald / Oct. 14 Dr. Sheila E. Crowe Professor of internal medicine, Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology in the Health System Gluten Sensitivity Baffles Celiac Disease Specialists Gastroenterology & Endoscopy News / Oct. 12 Jason Druzgal Assistant professor of radiology MRI may be diagnostic tool for autism Deseret News (Salt Lake City) / Oct. 13 Jonathan Haidt Psychology professor Veteran’s Day is Turning Into a Reciprocal Chain of Kindness WooEB News / Oct. 13 Erika Hayes...
By Robert F. Turner, law professor and associate director of the Center for National Security Law, served twice in Vietnam as an Army officer. "High-tech forensic audio analysis last week of a recently discovered audiotape of the May 4, 1970, anti-Vietnam War protest at Kent State University may shed new light on the genesis of the tragedy that shut down colleges and universities across America."
By Jason Hickel, doctoral student in anthropology "The past few years have seen a dramatic uptick in American diplomatic efforts in Africa, which has coincided with a decisive shift in political rhetoric about the continent. At first glance this might seem like a positive development, reflecting a more progressive attitude toward what has long been considered an unimportant global backwater. But a closer look reveals that American diplomacy in Africa is less about serving the good of African people than it is about securing the interests of private American capital."
By Darden Professor Edward Hess
... an application the Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing is submitting to the U.S. Department of Commerce for an Economic Development Administration grant of about $4 million. The center, to be located on the Rolls-Royce campus, is one of two technology research facilities set to be created by a partnership among the British aerospace manufacturer, the University of Virginia and Virginia Tech.
student learning. Thus, the administration’s choice of this reliable and widely used teacher rating scale, developed by researchers at the University of Virginia, will provide the most important measure of quality. [Bob Pianta and CASTL]
Like other Washington biographers, Chernow has benefited from his subject's "compulsion to record his everyday life." Scholars are still sifting through the results: Chernow made extensive use of the Washington Papers, a project at the University of Virginia dedicated to compiling everything ever written by and about George Washington. This collection has expanded from 39 volumes in the 1930s to "sixty volumes of letters and diaries and still counting," Chernow writes.
The human cellular sciences company now manages extensive laboratory facilities in the University of Virginia Research Park in Charlottesville, Virginia.
... The University of Virginia’s 4.9 percent yield in July was the previous low yield, and the prior lowest spread at 94-1/2 basis points.
... The Wikipedia analogy struck one observer as silly. Universities are nothing like an encyclopedia, and Wikipedia is nothing like a university, argued Siva Vaidhyanathan, associate professor of media studies and law at the University of Virginia.