Off the Shelf: Two Books by Kevin Hart

March 31, 2011 – Kevin Hart, Edwin B. Kyle Professor of Christian Studies, "Morning Knowledge." University of Notre Dame Press and editor, "Clandestine Encounters: Philosophy in the Narratives of Maurice Blanchot." University of Notre Dame Press.

March 30, 2011 — Hart, a poet as well as a religious studies professor in the University of Virginia's College of Arts & Sciences, has published a new collection of poetry, "Morning Knowledge." In these poems, Hart grieves the passing of his father, while continuing his unique interlacing of the spiritual and the sensuous. "Morning Knowledge" is a book of elegies and love poems, prayers and lullabies, a book in which poems sing about a museum of shadows and about rats and afternoons, all wrapped in quatrains.

He is the author of nine volumes of poetry, including "Young Rain," also from University of Notre Dame Press, in 2009.

In "Clandestine Encounters, Hart has gathered major literary critics in Britain, France and the United States to explore Blanchot's immense, fascinating and difficult body of creative work. Hart's substantial introduction usefully places Blanchot as a significant contributor to the tradition of the French philosophical novel, beginning with Voltaire's "Candide" in 1759, and best known through the works of Jean-Paul Sartre.

— By Anne Bromley

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Anne E. Bromley

Office of University Communications