Tip of the Month: Baby It's Cold Outside!

The Safety Tip of the Month is provided by U.Va.'s Office of Emergency Preparedness on the 11th of every month.

January 11, 2012 — Winter weather has landed and in Charlottesville, that means fickle conditions. The first week of this month has seen highs ranging from just below freezing to nearly 70 degrees. Grandma might say this is pneumonia weather (not true); mostly it is just confusing. All the more reason to be ready.

Health wise: If you haven’t gotten a flu shot, it’s not too late. Get it! Elson Student Health Center (924-5362), WorkMed (823-0075) and Employee Health (924-2013) are happy to assist. 
Vehicle wise: Road conditions can change very quickly. Make sure your car is ready for winter weather as well.
•    Top off your car's fluids (oil, antifreeze, etc.) and check the wear and pressure of your tires.
•    Keep your gas tank topped off to avoid freezing water in the fuel line.
•    Stock your car with a scraper, shovel and some sand or kitty litter to aid in traction.
•    Keep nonperishable food and water in your car in case you become stranded. Use a backpack to hold additional warm gear (hats, gloves, boots); this will make it easier to carry should you have to leave your vehicle.
Residence wise: Of course you have your emergency kit already in your room or apartment (right?). Now is a good time to check the dates on those nonperishable foods and restock in case you raided it while studying for exams. Check those flashlights and batteries – don't wait until you lose power to find out your roommate forgot to replace the batteries they borrowed. Think about investing now in an old- fashioned wind-up alarm clock. Classes won't be canceled because you lost power.

For more winter weather tips, click here.

One more thing: Craig Fugate, administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, has a message for you this new year.

For information, contact the Office of Emergency Preparedness at 434-982-0565 or uvaoep@virginia.edu.

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