University Launches New Foundation Relations and Philanthropy Site

February 6, 2012 — The University of Virginia Office of Development and Public Affairs has launched a new website designed to support University faculty researchers and development administrators motivated to seek funding from independent philanthropic foundations and select corporations.

The Foundation Relations and Philanthropy website offers insights, strategies, resources and links to foundation and corporate funding sources with the closest ties to the University.

"I am hopeful that by bringing together these resources for the University community into one website, our work can become more transparent as we develop closer working relationships with faculty members and development officers to support priority University initiatives and world-class faculty research," said Nick Duke, director of corporate and foundation relations.

He added, "Most foundations are mission-driven entities that seek to make a difference in society, whether at the grass-roots level or through policy change. Since foundations generally seek to address a specific set of issues or unmet needs, we want to make sure that proposed projects are coordinated and presented in the best way for them to attain this end."

Foundation and corporate support has become an increasingly important component of the University's philanthropic landscape. "Usually foundations fund projects and programs, while corporations fund efforts that provide tangible returns to them and individuals tend to support programs and operating funds, endowment, and construction projects," said Robert Sweeney, senior vice president for development and public affairs.

The University's Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations initiates and coordinates relationships that support U.Va.'s teaching, research and service mission. Working with administrators, faculty and development staff, the office's staff provides expertise, services and tools to successfully connect the University with foundations, businesses and industry.

Media Contact

Marian Anderfuren

UVA Media Relations