University of Virginia's McIntire School of Commerce to Dedicate New Home in Rouss & Robertson Halls

April 22, 2008 — In a ceremony to be held on the Lawn on Friday, April 25, the McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia will officially dedicate its state-of-the-art new home in Rouss and Robertson halls. The event — free and open to the public — will begin at noon in front of Rouss Hall.

Speaking at the ceremony will be John T. Casteen III, president of the University of Virginia; Carl Zeithaml, dean of the McIntire School of Commerce; McIntire graduate John A. Griffin, dedicated friend to the school and principal building donor; and legendary investor Julian H. Robertson, mentor to numerous U.Va. graduates (including Griffin) and the man for whom Robertson Hall is named. Current McIntire student Brian Gavron will also speak at the dedication ceremony.

McIntire moved into Rouss and Robertson halls in January after 33 years in Monroe Hall. The 156,000-square-foot academic complex was meticulously planned to foster excellence and innovation, the values that form the core of McIntire's educational philosophy and culture. Designed to encourage community, interdisciplinary learning and faculty-student interaction, the complex has group study rooms for students, a reading room, a variety of meeting spaces, multiple conference rooms, a suite for student clubs and four technology centers. A number of the classrooms are specifically designated for interdisciplinary coursework.

More information on McIntire's "Back to the Lawn" campaign is available at

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