U.Va. Engineering School to Host 'NanoDays' for Elementary Students and Families

WHAT: University of Virginia 2010 NanoDays Open House, including:
Interactive nanotechnology demonstrations for young and experienced amateur scientists
Tours of nanotechnology labs
A chance to talk with leading nano-scientists
Creation of a 40-foot model carbon nanotube from balloons
Seed-pod flier contest to teach lessons in biomimicry and nanotechnology

WHEN:    Sunday, March 28
2-5 p.m. – interactive demonstrations, tours and contest
5-6:15 p.m. – seminars by Bean and Loth

WHERE:    University of Virginia, Wilsdorf Hall (parking available near Scott Stadium; click here for directions).

WHO:    Learn about nanotechnology from leaders in the field:
John Bean, professor of electrical and computer engineering, presents "The Incredible Shrinking Transistor"
Eric Loth, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, presents "The Ultimate Water Slide"

WHY:  Nanotechnology has the potential to significantly impact almost all industries and areas 
             of society worldwide. Research and experimentation at such a small scale – one to 100 
             nanometers – enables researchers to examine how materials act, react and change at
             this minute size. The implications of this research are big – engineering functional
             systems at the molecular scale will produce more efficient products for numerous
             industries, including communications, medicine, transportation, agriculture and

More than 200 elementary students and their families attended the 2008 NanoDays to learn more about nanotechnology.

EDITORS: For information or to arrange coverage, contact Zak Richards at 434-924-1383 or zr8n@virginia.edu.

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