One in an occasional series about the findings of the President’s Commissions on Slavery and on the University in the Age of Segregation. This installment examines the medical breakthroughs advanced by UVA alumnus Walter Reed.
One in an occasional series about the findings of the President’s Commissions on Slavery and on the University in the Age of Segregation. Today’s installment explores the intersection of the KKK, Charlottesville and the University.
One in a series about the findings of the President’s Commissions on Slavery and on the University in the Age of Segregation. This installment explores the legacy of a former slave who excelled as an entrepreneur and advanced the lives of local African Americans.
One in an occasional series about the findings of the President’s Commissions on Slavery and on the University in the Age of Segregation. Today’s installment explores the commonality of blackface performance and other dehumanizing behaviors and their influence on a segregated society.
One in an occasional series about the findings of the President’s Commissions on Slavery and on the University in the Age of Segregation. Today’s installment explores UVA’s role in promulgating a racist post-Civil War creed known as the “Lost Cause.”