‘Magic Mushroom’ Calls Growing at Poison Centers

February 27, 2024
A close up of a pile of mushrooms

Researchers found U.S. poison centers have received more calls regarding teens and young adults consuming “magic mushrooms” since efforts to decriminalize the hallucinogen began in several U.S. cities and states. (Photo illustration by John DiJulio, University Communications)

An increase in calls to U.S. poison centers by adolescents and young adults using psilocybin, or “magic mushrooms,” corresponds with decriminalization of the hallucinogen in several U.S. cities and states, University of Virginia School of Medicine researchers have found.

“It is markedly concerning to me that children are gaining access to these products,” said Dr. Christopher Holstege, director of UVA Health’s Blue Ridge Poison Center and chief of the UVA School of Medicine’s Division of Medical Toxicology.

Efforts to decriminalize possession, use and cultivation of psilocybin began in May 2019. Oregon and Colorado have decriminalized psilocybin, as have several cities, including Washington, D.C., Detroit and Seattle.

Excellence Here Goes Everywhere, To Be Great and Good In All We Do
Excellence Here Goes Everywhere, To Be Great and Good In All We Do

UVA researchers found psilocybin-related calls more than tripled among teens 13-19 years old from 152 calls in 2018 to 464 calls in 2022. During that time, calls from adults aged 20-25 more than doubled, increasing from 125 to 294, according to anonymized data gathered from the National Poison Data System. 

By comparison, researchers found the number of psilocybin-related calls to poison centers from patients 13-25 years old between 2013 and 2018, prior to decriminalization efforts, was largely unchanged.

Psilocybin’s Effects

Between 2013 and 2022, most calls involved the intentional consumption of psilocybin; 81.1% of calls were from the 13-19 age group and 78.3% of calls came from the 20-25 age group. Males accounted for about 75% of the calls in both age groups.

“We have limited data on the potential long-term consequences on the developing brains of children when exposed to such compounds that impact the brain’s neurotransmission,” Holstege said. “We also do not understand fully why some individuals have markedly adverse complications to psilocybin, known as ‘bad trips,’ that can lead to harm to the individual taking or others who may be victims of violent behavior.”

Chris Holstege stands in front of a building

Dr. Christopher Holstege, director of UVA Health’s Blue Ridge Poison Center and chief of the University of Virginia Schools of Medicine’s Division of Medical Toxicology, is concerned about children’s access to the powerful hallucinogen psilocybin. (Photo by Sanjay Suchak, University Communications)

Approximately 75% of callers aged 13-19 required some type of medical attention. Researchers found the most common reasons for the calls were hallucinations or delusions (36.6% of calls), agitation (27.6%), abnormally fast heart rate (20.2%) and confusion (16%).

Even in moderate doses, the powerful psychological effects of psilocybin can cause adverse reactions, including anxiety, disorientation, fear, grief, paranoia and panic attacks. Psilocybin-induced impairment in judgment and perception can contribute to dangerous behavior, accidents, self-harm and even a risk of suicide.

There have been reports of deaths due to falls or jumps from tall buildings attributed to psilocybin use.

Researchers say the increase in psilocybin-related calls is “particularly alarming” because the hallucinogen’s use is banned for those 21 and younger where it has been decriminalized.

“As psilocybin may become more widely available, it is important for parents to be aware that psilocybin is also available in edible forms such as chocolate and gummies,” Rita Farah, the Blue Ridge Poison Center epidemiologist, said. “And we learned from our experience with edible cannabis, young children can mistake edibles for candy.”

Findings Published

The researchers have published their findings in the Journal of Adolescent Health. The research team included Farah, Abigail Kerns, Austin Murray and Holstege. 

If someone has an adverse reaction to psilocybin or any other substance, trained healthcare providers at the Blue Ridge Poison Center are available to help around the clock. Call 800-222-1222 for assistance. Calls are free and confidential.


Media Contact

Eric Swensen

UVA Health System