Getting to Know Grounds: Alumni Share Their Favorite Places at UVA

Aerial view of grounds with certain buildings highlighted in orange with white dotted line connected those buildings

For the University of Virginia’s Class of 2020, the past few weeks have been filled with moving into their dorms, joining a new community at Opening Convocation, making new friends and attending their first college classes. It’s the beginning of their lives as ’Hoos, and there’s still a lot of the Grounds to cover.

As first-year students, another part of settling in requires a little bit of exploration.

The University of Virginia’s official Facebook page asked alumni to recommend their favorite spots on and around Grounds to the new class of ’Hoos. Alumni gladly shared the best locations, even including some of their personal memories as undergrads.

Here are just some of the locations our alumni shared:


Graphic by Mikale Kwiatkowski

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Kelly Kauffman

University Communications